Magi CLI: An Arcane Command Line Interface


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
― Arthur C. Clarke

Embrace the arcane with Magi CLI, a spellcasting-inspired command line interface (CLI) tool that fuses the mystical arts with practical utility. Unravel the secrets of the cosmos and command your operating system with the wisdom of the ancient magi.


Magi CLI is forged in Python, channeling the enigmatic power of the Click library. It offers an array of spells (commands) that manipulate the filesystem, manage files, and automate tasks. Designed to be extendable, Magi CLI allows you to add new spells as your knowledge of the hidden arts expands. While platform agnostic, it performs best with a bash terminal like Git Bash.

Core Features

The Sanctum (~/.sanctum)

Your magical workspace contains:
- .tome/: Storage for spell bundles
- .orb/: Local spell cache
- .graveyard/: Temporary storage for deleted files
- .runes/: GUI elements for spell execution

Cast Command

The root command serving as the universal execution command. It displays all available spells and .spell files in your tome when run without arguments. Currently supports:
- Python scripts (.py)
- Shell scripts (.sh)
- Spell bundles (.spell)

Spell Design Tenets

Core Spells

File Management

System Operations

Spell Management

Additional spells are available through the Magi Chamber (, accessible via the ponder spell.

Spellcraft Guide

Spellcraft (sc) is a powerful tool for creating new spells. It supports three main types of spell creation:

1. Macro Spells

Create spells that combine multiple commands:

# Create a macro spell with 3 commands
cast sc 3 backup_spell

The wizard will prompt you for:
- Spell description
- Three commands to be executed in sequence

2. Script Spells

Convert existing Python or Shell scripts into spells:

# Create a spell from a Python script
cast sc path/to/ spell_name

# Create a spell from a Shell script
cast sc path/to/ spell_name

3. Bundled Spells

Create complex spells with multiple files and resources using YAML configuration:

# spell.yaml
name: my_spell
description: A powerful new spell
type: bundled
shell_type: python
entry_point: spell/
    - requests>=2.0.0

code: |
  import click

  def main():
      """Your spell's magic here."""
      click.echo("Spell cast successfully!")

  - path: data/config.json
    content: |
        "settings": "value"

Create the bundled spell:

cast sc spell.yaml


From PyPI

pip install magi-cli-pypi

From Source

git clone
cd Magi_CLI
pip install .

Workflow of SpellCasting

    state "cast" as entry

    state "Command Handling" as commands {

    state "Executable Types" as types {
        state ".py files" as py
        state ".sh files" as sh
        state ".spell bundles" as bundle

    state "Spellcraft System" as craft {
        state "SpellBundle" as sb {

        state "Sigildry" as sig {

    state "~/.sanctum" as sanctum {

    entry --> commands
    commands --> types
    bundle --> craft
    craft --> sanctum
    types --> sanctum



See for detailed guidelines.


MIT License


Created and maintained by Micah Longmire (@bobbyhiddn)